Stomach Ulcers? Here’s How An Urgent Care Clinic Can Help

Until a few decades back, people believed that stomach ulcers were caused by spicy food or irregular eating habits. They also attributed stomach ulcers to high stress levels. Modern science has proven that although these factors do contribute to increasing the risk of stomach ulcers, the condition is actually caused either by extended use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or by the bacteria H. Pylori. Both these cause inflammation in the stomach lining, leading to painful sores. 

Understanding the symptoms of stomach ulcers

It is not easy to list out the general symptoms of stomach ulcers. This is because symptoms tend to vary from one individual to another. The most common symptoms of the lot are acid reflux, discomfort while eating or heartburn. Many affected individuals have nausea and vomiting, leading them to entirely drop any ideas of eating. There are stomach ulcer patients who feel full all the time due to flatulence.  In worse cases, people with stomach ulcer may also experience anemia and dark-colored stool. 

In case you have noticed any of these symptoms or have been experiencing such symptoms for quite some time, it would be a good idea to visit your nearest doctor clinic near Arlington VA for precise diagnosis and treatment. From the time you begin experiencing such symptoms, maintain notes in your phone about these symptoms, the time when these symptoms are apparent, your actions at the time symptoms surface and the intensity of the symptoms. 

Treatment options

Your treatment will directly depend on the exact cause of stomach ulcer. For instance, if stomach acid is found to trigger the formation of ulcers, the doctor at Arlington family healthcare urgent care may prescribe antibiotics designed to block the stomach acid. you may also be recommended to take probiotics for improved gut health. 

In more aggravated cases, patients may be advised to undergo surgery. Although this is only very rarely suggested, it is an effective treatment option when ulcers are widespread and severe. Even then, this surgery will be drastically different for each person depending on the specific cause. Patients who experience bleeding from stomach ulcers may require blood transfusion to keep the situation under control. 

Preventing stomach ulcers

Most people with stomach ulcers are recommended to stay away from sour and spicy food. This is because majority of individuals affected by stomach ulcers may also experience acid reflux. So if you are undergoing treatment for stomach ulcer, avoid sour and spicy food until the healing process is complete. Since bacteria is a leading cause of stomach ulcer, medical professionals at doctor clinic near Arlington VA recommend washing hands scrupulously especially before eating food. Do not forget to wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly. 

Significance of timely diagnosis and treatment

Stomach ulcer is not a condition you can self-treat and risk complications. As soon as you notice the symptoms, seek medical attention at your nearest urgent care clinic. Early intervention and treatment is integral in bringing the condition under control so that you need not undergo complex treatment options such as surgery. 


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